Wrongful Termination

Wrongful Termination

A wrongful termination occurs when an employee is fired or laid off for illegal reasons, which may include discrimination, retaliation, breach of contract, or violation of federal or state laws. At Sadiq Law Group, we routinely handle wrongful termination cases, and we are committed to defending employees’ rights and ensuring fair treatment under the law.
A wrongful termination claim can be based on several illegal factors, such as discrimination (race, gender, age, disability, etc.), retaliation (for whistleblowing or exercising legal rights), and breach of contract (violating written or implied employment agreements).
Our team of experts evaluate the circumstances of the termination, gathering evidence, negotiating with employers or their legal representatives, and pursuing legal action if necessary. At Sadiq Law Group, we conduct a thorough assessment of our clients’ cases to determine if their termination was unlawful and whether they have a viable claim for compensation or reinstatement.

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